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Success Is Easy

Horse Training Tips and Techniques, Helpful Hints for Health Care;
Plus Business Advice on Making Your Career With Horses a Financial Success

By Don Blazer

         Horse training isn’t complicated; it’s simply a matter of knowing how to communicate with your horse.  Maybe you want to slow down his gaits.

          The first step to slowing a horse down is to slow down yourself.

          Don’t get in a hurry.  Move slowly when working around your horse, and ask him to move slowly when you lead him.

          When you get to your training area….arena or pen or open field….never  allow your horse to begin his work with speed, that promotes fast work and gets “speed” into your horse’s mind.

          If you are going to lunge, begin by making the horse walk, and walk slowly.  Don’t encourage speed hoping to tire the horse so he’ll go slowly…it won’t work.   He may be tired, but he’ll still be thinking speed; what’s worse is being tired, he won’t enjoy his lesson, so what he learns is “speed” and a dislike for what comes after it.

          If you are riding into an arena or work area, do lots of slow walking.  Don’t canter or gallop trying to take the “edge off.”   Fast work to take the edge off teaches horse that his first reaction to a work area should be “speed.”  You may take the edge off, but your lesson has taught the wrong thing.

          To be successful with horses, learn as much as you can.

          You can earn a professional horse trainer certification by taking courses at, including nutrition and conformation, both subjects for consideration when determining why your horse’s gaits are too fast. 

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